These essays have their source and inspiration in conversations with my friends and teachers. The motive was to assess the conversation to date, and to offer an invitation to another level. Their structure and style reflect that desire. Little attempt has been made to remain within the bounds of formal scholarship. I deeply respect the latter, but I am attempting something else: a melding of taxonomy and oblique supporting example. 

Most commonly, publishers remark that they are original and interesting, but not commercially viable in this form. I reflect - Two out of three isn't bad!

I hope you find some worth and joy in them. Unsurprisingly, I would be delighted to receive confirming examples from Readers. Please don't tell me "It's more complicated than you think". Let me reassure you that I would be only slightly less delighted to receive disconfirming examples and truer taxonomies.

They are written in Arial - Word: left margin.
Other people's words are given in bold italics, unless stated - as in Aphorisms Page.

I am too old to plagiarise others. My desire & intention is to admit all quotation: and to give a basic reference.
If I forget, please remind me: and of course correct misquotation and mis-citation.

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